Door of Hope Mission Odessa, TX

June 2023 Newsletter

Prayer request: Pray for the leadership of our Community, State, and Country. And pray for Godly leaders to emerge and guide us through these challenging times.

If you have any questions about the Mission or how you can help, please call us. 432-337-8294

A Word From Our Director ~ Pastor Andrew Pistone

I'm guessing that many of you are familiar with the ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley, and you know that he entered the presence of his Heavenly Father just a few weeks ago – at the age of 90. He has been a strong and steady influence for the Kingdom of God for more than 65 years. He was a trusted pastor who served on the staff of First Baptist Church, Atlanta for more than 50 years. He wrote more than 70 books, and he was a pioneer in religious radio and television broadcasting. At the time of his death - his sermons, devotionals, and podcasts could be seen or heard in every nation on Earth - through radio, shortwave, television, or solar-powered audio devices. 

He had a reputation for being fearlessly faithful, for having a commitment to following God's will, and for living a life of devout prayer. He had a “prayer closet” where he went regularly - to pour his heart out to God, and then – to spend quiet time LISTENING to the things that  God  would  impress  upon  his  mind.  

I'm inspired by this faithful man who was devoted to prayer, and I want to share some of the biblical principles he used - to teach about communicating with our Heavenly Father; so - some of the following things are taken from the words spoken by Dr. Charles Stanley.

Prayer is seriously powerful business. Sometimes, we just mechanically go through the motions of praying – and then check it off of our “to do” list. We should shift our focus from boredom and obligation – to joy and expectation.

Prayer Changes Us
As we spend time digging into the Word of God and developing a close relationship with Him – by talking with Him – and listening to Him – our lives are transformed. HIS desires become Our desires, and our thinking begins to line up with His thoughts and His purposes.

Is God Listening?
I'm guessing that we've all had times when we've wondered if God is going to answer our prayers. Maybe you're going through a physical illness, and you've prayed for God to intervene…but it seems like He isn't listening. Or, maybe you're desperately looking for His direction for a major decision – and He's just not answering. Is He listening? Does He care? Why won't He help me? If you've experienced a situation like this, you're not alone. In the New Testament, Jesus' friends, Mary and Martha, were extremely discouraged when they sent a message to Jesus – asking for help when their brother Lazarus became sick. When Jesus received their request, He waited two more days before even starting His journey to see them. (John 11:1-7) Mary and Martha expected the Lord to drop everything to come and heal their brother. Can you imagine how they felt – watching Lazarus get worse and worse, until one day he died? They were puzzled by the fact that Jesus didn't come to help them immediately.

Why is the Lord Sometimes Quiet?
Silent times are often God's means of preparation for something greater. In the story of Lazarus, the Lord delayed for good reason. Instead of healing an illness, He was planning to bring his friend back from the dead - which brought more glory to Him. God's silence is never random or indifferent. Every time He's quiet, He has  a  good  reason. 

Maybe We're Not Ready to Listen
Sometimes, the problem is not God's silence, but our inability to hear. If we're so caught up in this world and all its incentives, our ears won't be tuned to His voice. He could be shouting, and we still wouldn't  
hear  Him. 

Maybe Unconfessed Sin is Blocking Our  Communication
Isaiah 59:2 says, “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.” We can't expect to hear from the Lord if we're quenching His Spirit by indulging in attitudes and behaviors that He forbids. Until we confess and deal with our sin, we won't be able to hear anything from God – other than His conviction of our sins.

Maybe He Wants to Get Our Attention
Many Christians limit their relationship with the Lord. To some people, He's a distant God in heaven whose job is simply to listen to their requests and send down the answers. If there's an urgent need – their prayers become energized, but when everything's running smoothly – they don't have time for Him. That's not the kind of relationship the Lord wants to have with us. He wants us to enjoy just being with Him. Maybe He's trying to get our attention and draw us into a more intimate  relationship  with  Him.

Maybe the Lord is Teaching Us to Trust Him
Does your faith waver if you don't receive an immediate answer to your prayers? God isn't ignoring you. He's working in the situation, and whatever He's doing is accomplishing His purposes. “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) The important issue is not what you see or feel, but what God has promised: “The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your faithfulness, Lord, is everlasting.” (Psalm 138:8)

Maybe God is Using His Silence to Mature Us
Immaturity is characterized by an unwillingness to wait. Any mother of a newborn knows that when the baby is hungry, there's no peace until he's fed. Sadly, that's how some Christians behave: the more urgent the need, the more demanding they become. When we place our demands on the Lord, we're forgetting that He is God and we're not. The ability to wait patiently is an invaluable trait that the Father wants to develop in all of us.

The Lord Wants Us to Learn to Recognize His Voice
The time to begin recognizing God's voice is not at the point of desperation, but during a lifelong relationship of intimate communication. The next time you feel that God isn't answering your prayers, try the following steps:

Wait for His Timing - He has infinite wisdom, and He knows  exactly  what  to  do  and  when  to  do  it.

Trust Him - He's actively working out every situation according  to  His  purposes.

Anticipate a More Intimate Relationship With Him - When we respond to God's silent times with submission, trust, and patience – our relationship with Him  is  deepened.

Read the Bible - God's Word is where His thoughts, desires, and  ways  are  revealed.

Keep Praying - Keep asking, seeking, and knocking…and sit quietly with Him and listen.
(Psalm 46:10)

If you get to know Him through His Word and faithfully trust Him, you'll learn to simply delight in His
presence – even when your prayers aren't answered immediately. God is attentive to us…and we
are  thankful!

Pastor Andrew

Thrift Store
If you haven't had a chance to shop at our Thrift Store, we hope you will do that very soon. The proceeds from the store are a major source of our support. You will find thousands of quality items at incredible prices, and you can shop with confidence that your dollars are helping to change lives.

We are located at 1515 E. 8th Street, Odessa, TX Our hours for shopping are: Monday - Saturday from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm.
We continue to take ALL donations with grateful hearts. We could not do this  without  your  help.
We will come to PICK UP any and all donations – just give us  a  call  at  432-337-8294  to  schedule  a pickup. You can also drop off your donation at the Thrift Store, 

Funds / Donations Needed

Your financial support will help us provide hot meals, a safe place to sleep and shower, and exposure to the truth of God's Word through Bible study and counseling to those who struggle with addictions. Many come to know Jesus as Savior because of the work God is doing here at the Mission.

There are a few ways you can give:
#1:  PayPal Giving Fund:
100% of what you give goes to the Mission. Paypal does not keep a processing fee when you use this service. If you would like to make a direct financial donation you can go to PayPal at the link below.

#2:  Use our Website

#3:  Mail a Check to  Door of Hope Mission PO Box 1789, Odessa, TX 79760

#4:  When you Shop at Amazon or Ebay, just add us as your preferred charity, and a portion of your purchase will go to the Door Of Hope Mission.

With Amazon: Visit Amazon Smile, then login to your account then you need to select Door Of Hope Mission Odessa TX so we will receive donations from eligible purchases when you shop.  

With Ebay: You just need to add the Door Of Hope Mission to your favorites. Click the link this link to add us.

If you have any questions please call us 432-337-8294.

The Door of Hope Mission is supported 100% by DONATIONS and our thrift store. We do not take money from the government because they would restrict us from preaching about the freeing power of Jesus to those we help.
All donations are tax-deductible.


We are in need of good furniture and antiques that you might want to donate to our ministry, and of course - we continue to take ALL donations with grateful hearts. We could not do this without your help.

We can also accept cars, trucks, RVs  and boats.

If you have items you wish to donate, please drop them off at the store. If you need us to pick them up, please call the Mission at 432-337-8294.

We invite you to come and visit the Door of Hope Thrift Store. We are located at 1611 E. 8th Street, Odessa, TX 79761.

Our hours for shopping are Monday - Saturday from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm.

Please visit us on Facebook :

All donations are tax deductible.

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